This course is selling out and there's only a few seats left

Are you ready to supercharge your ACT skills?

Come join us for the highly popular 2 year training program in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with world class trainers

There’s a reason why this course is sold out every time we open it. It simply is one of a kind! This program offers 2 years of specialist training and supervision for mainly psychologists and doctors. The program is a hybrid of face-to-face training in Copenhagen (Denmark) as well as online training with world renowned ACT trainers.

Next course starts March 2025

Imagine the Possibilities

Are you ready to take your therapeutic skills to the next level?

Imagine being the therapist that you could be. Imagine what it will feel like when you’re fluent, flexible and confident in ACT. Imagine what it’s like when you know exactly what to do, why you should do it and how to do it. This program teaches you the head, the hands and the heart of ACT.

You go from this:

To this:

Robyn Walser
Rikke Kjelgaard
Louise Hayes
Patricia Robinson
Kelly Wilson - founder of ACT
Niklas Törneke
Kirk Strosahl


The 2 year training program in ACT

Teaching you how to be fluent and flexible in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Quick facts about the program

Training overview



17/3-2025 – kl. 9-16 – ACT primer v/Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

18+19/3-2025 – kl. 9-16 – ABC & RFT v/Niklas Törneke (Copenhagen)

16+17/6-2025 – kl. 18-21 – The Heart of ACT v/Robyn Walser (Zoom)

15+16/9-2025 – kl. 18-21 – Mindfulness for two v/Kelly Wilson (Zoom)

25+26/11-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Practice what you preach v/Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

26+27/1-2026 – 2024 – kl. 9 – 12 – Trauma Focused ACT v/Russ Harris (Zoom)

20+21/4-2026 – kl. 9-12 – DNA-V v/Louise Hayes (Zoom)

8+9/6-2026 – kl. 18-21 – Focused ACT v/Kirk Strosahl & Patricia Robinson (Zoom)

28+29+30/9-2026 – kl. 9-16 – Shaping psychological flexibility v/Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

7+8/12 – 2026 – kl. 9-16 – ACT with fidelity and self compassion v/Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)



8/4-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

9/4-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Niklas Törneke (Copenhagen)

18+19/8-2025 – kl. 18-21 – Robyn Walser (Zoom)

29+30/9-2025 – kl. 18-21 – Kelly Wilson (Zoom)

24/11-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

27+28/4-2026 – kl. 9-12 – Louise Hayes (Zoom)

15+16/6-2026 – kl. 18-21 – Kirk Strosahl (Zoom)

1+2/9 – 2026 – kl. 18-21 – Patricia Robinson (Zoom)

10/11 – 2026 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

11/11 – 2026 – kl. 9-16 – Niklas Törneke (Copenhagen)



8/4-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Niklas Törneke (Copenhagen)

9/4-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

25+26/8-2025 – kl. 18-21 – Robyn Walser (Zoom)

6 + 7/10-2025 – kl. 18-21 – Kelly Wilson (Zoom)

27/11-2025 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)

4+5/5-2026 – kl. 9-12 – Louise Hayes (Zoom)

15+16/6-2026 – kl. 18-21 – Patricia Robinson (Zoom)

1+2/9-2026 – kl. 18-21 – Kirk Strosahl (Zoom)

10/11 – 2026 – kl. 9-16 – Niklas Törneke (Copenhagen)

11/11 – 2026 – kl. 9-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Copenhagen)



3+4/6-2025 – kl. 9-12 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

6+7/10-2025 – kl. 9-12 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

8+9/12-2025 – kl. 18-21- Robyn Walser (Zoom)

20+21/1 – 2026 – kl. 9-12 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

2+3/2 – 2026 – kl. 9-12 – Russ Harris (Zoom)

18+19/5 – 2026 – kl. 9-12 – Louise Hayes (Zoom)

7+8/9 – 2026 – kl. 18-21 – Patricia Robinson (Zoom)

14+15/9 – 2026 – kl. 18-21 – Kirk Strosahl (Zoom)

19+20/10-2026 – kl. 9-12 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

16+17/11-2026 – kl. 9-12 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)



3+4/6 – 2025 – kl. 13-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

6+7/10 – 2025 – kl. 13-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

15+16/12 – 2025 – kl. 18-21- Robyn Walser (Zoom)

20+21/1 – 2026 – kl. 13-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

4+5/2 – 2026 – kl. 9-12 – Russ Harris (Zoom)

1+2/6 – 2026 – kl. 9-12 – Louise Hayes (Zoom)

7+8/9 – 2026 – kl. 18-21 – Kirk Strosahl (Zoom)

14+15/9 – 2026 – kl. 18-21 – Patricia Robinson (Zoom)

19+20/10 – 2026 – kl. 13-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)

16+17/11 – 2026 – kl. 13-16 – Rikke Kjelgaard (Zoom)


one of a kind

What are the founders of ACT saying about this program?

Steven Hayes

Steven Hayes

This is an exemplary program with excellent workshop leaders and the kind of follow through that can make a permanent difference in your practice. Highly recommended.

Kelly Wilson

I think Rikke has put together the most varied and talented set of trainers and topics that I have ever seen, anywhere. Setting aside my own part in this, and recognizing that I already have had the benefit of many years of great training, I would say that I would learn a lot from Rikke’s course. A lot! It is filled with people I love and respect.
Kelly Wilson - founder of ACT
Kirk Strosahl

Kirk Strosahl

The ACT clinical training program offered by Rikke is the best single training program we’ve seen in Europe. For the last ten years, we’ve had the privilege of working with Rikke and the excited learners that this program produces. The program offers a beautiful blend of ongoing clinical supervision based training and didactic instruction by the most highly respected ACT experts in the world. This program gives you not only the essential skills you need to practice ACT, but also high level clinical skills that will allow you to take your clinical practice to a completely different level. This is an investment in your professional development that will pay off handsomely for years to come!

The Curriculum

What you'll learn in this course

ACT primer

In this module you’ll get an introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and meet your peers.


Rikke Kjelgaard

ACT From a Basic Science Perspective

Learn the behavioural principles and the theory that ACT is based on: Relational Frame Theory.


Niklas Törneke

The Heart of ACT

In this training you will learn about experiential avoidance and it’s pathological effects. You will also learn about how to do proces based ACT through intense experiential training.


Robyn Walser

Mindfulness for Two

Get to know ACT from the inside out and learn experiential case conceptualisation. You will be trained in how to stay present during your clinical conversations with your clients.


Kelly Wison

Practice What You Preach

In this workshop you will learn the processes of psychological flexibility from the inside out practicing metaphors and exercises in ACT.


Rikke Kjelgaard

Trauma Focused ACT

In this training you will learn a a compassion-based, exposure-centered approach to doing ACT when working with trauma patients


Russ Harris


In this training you’ll learn the DNA-V model that helps people learn the skills that they need to thrive, grow, be the best that they can be, and live lives that are meaningful and vital.


Louise Hayes

Principles and Practice of Focused ACT

In this training you will learn to structure your sessions into focused and potentially shorter interventions.  


Patricia Robinson & Kirk Strosahl

Shaping Psychological Flexibility

In this workshop you will learn how to deliberately shape the processes of psychological flexibility based on behavioral techniques.


Rikke Kjelgaard

ACT with Fidelity and Self Compassion

In this training you’ll be practicing you ACT fidelity skills and broadening your self compassion repertoire.


Rikke Kjelgaard

come join us

Let your ACT adventure begin

Next program starts in March 2025

Meet your trainers

Rikke Kjelgaard

Rikke is a licensed psychologist, author of the first Swedish ACT book and peer reviewed ACT trainer.

With more than 400 workshops on her resume, Rikke is a popular educator in ACT.

Rikke is the organiser of the program.

Niklas Törneke

…or “Mr. RFT”, as I call him. Niklas is a doctor, psychotherapist and supervisor. And he is enormously skilled at RFT (the theory behind ACT). That he is also an expert in behaviourism just makes it all more wonderful. I cannot imagine a better teacher in ACT, ABC and RFT!

Kelly Wilson

Kelly is one of the founders of ACT. He is a psychologist, professor and author of many books and articles about ACT. He is known for his unique teaching style: deeply moving and simply unforgettable. Meeting Kelly is an experience that you don’t want to miss.

Robyn Walser

Oh, Robyn! Robyn is a psychologist and expert in ACT. She has been in ACT from the very beginning. She has written several books and articles in ACT and is often referred to as “the trainers trainer”. She is the one that teaches us to teach ACT. She is a huge rolemodel and an extraordinary teacher and human being. One of a kind!

Kirk Strosahl

Kirk is one of the founders of ACT. He is a psychologist and author of many books and articles about ACT. Kirk is also a co-inventor of the Focused ACT model. In my humble opinion he is also one of the worlds most skilled clinicians. It’s pleasure attending his trainings where everything is “hands-on” and very useful. To see him do live roleplays has made a profound impact in many clinicians lives. Worldclass!

Patricia Robinson

Patricia is a psychologist and expert in ACT. She has been in ACT from the very beginning. She has written several books and articles in ACT and is the co-founder of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She is training clinicians in the use of ACT in primary care settings. Patricia is an extraordinary teacher, human and touches the hearts of her trainees every. single. time.

Louise Hayes

Louise is a psychologist, author and expert in ACT. She has written several books and articles in ACT and took the world by storm with her work and books about ACT for both young people and adults. She is the author of a recent empowerment selfhelp book on using ACT to build your life your way. Louise is a fellow and past-president of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science and one of my greatest rolemodels.

Russ Harris

Russ Harris is a doctor, therapist and life coach. He is the author of the international best-selling self-help book ‘The Happiness Trap’ and is a world-renowned trainer of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. He has written several textbooks and selfhelp books in ACT and for many he is the world famous Rockstar of ACT.

"Don't hesitate for a second signing up for this"

Since ACT is so experiential it has been very rewarding to participate in this training. We were doing all the exercises on ourselves and the effects of learning by doing were amazing and not something you can read about in a book. I highly and warmly recommend this training program. If you want to learn ACT, try out ACT personally and have fun while you connect with wonderful people, you shouldn’t hesitate for even a second to sign up for this.



don't just take our word for it

This is what our students are saying

Mie Tastesen

I was really pushed out of my comfort zone in this training. And all the way compassion and empathy was central in what we were doing. It was amazing to get the opportunity to experiment and play around with ACT. I have rarely cried and laughed as much as I did in this training. The vulnerability and openness that was offered was truly special.



Laila Lambrecht

This training has done my medical practice much easier, more giving and more exciting. My patients are thanking me for our sessions. I now always use ACT – especially Focused ACT – in my consultations and it’s such a useful tool for my practice. This should have been part of any medical training.



Anne-Sofie Olesen

It’s been amazing to be in the company of these trainers that has become personal and professional rolemodels to me. I enjoyed the variety of trainers as well as the passionate support from my peers. I’ve learned so much. Especially to be brave. And to work with my own flexibility both professionally and personally.



Meet Your organiser

Hello, Rikke here!

I’m a psychologist, author, peer reviewed ACT trainer and an awarded Fellow of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. I have more than 400 workshops on my resumé and have run the 2 year ACT training program in Copenhagen since 2012. 

Rikke Kjelgaard - expert in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

come join us

What is your one-time investment in participating in the coolest ACT training program ever, you ask?

48.000 DKK

We offer split payment without any added fees.


This is what happens when you register


You sign up and choose how you want to pay. And presto, you’re in!

Check your e-mail

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive a confirmation along with an invoice.


Now you can celebrate getting a spot in the course. Dance as if no one is watching you!

Everything you need to know

The training with Rikke Kjelgaard and Niklas Törneke is taking place at 9am – 4 pm in Copenhagen (Denmark). The address will be announced soon.

The training with Robyn Walser, Kelly Wilson, Kirk Strosahl, Patricia Robinson, Louise Hayes & Russ Harris takes place online. These times will vary depending on the trainer’s timezone.

90 hours of training.

Your investment is 48000 DKK.

Supervision of 60 hours can be added separately. Your investment is 32000 DKK.

All trainers and supervisors are ACBS peer reviewed ACT trainers.

All rights reserved.

All training is in English. All trainers are welcoming and used to work with therapist who don’t have English as their native tongue.

This training is didactic with role plays and therapeutic skills training.

There’s a heavy emphasis on experiential learning.

Therapists are invited to work on personal as well as professional material.

This training is approved for specialist credits (in Denmark) for psychologists and doctors.

25% of the available seats can be assigned to therapists with other relevant academic background.

There’s a limited amount of supervision seats available. 

Each group consists of a maximum of 8 participants.

The supervision is optional and can be bought as an add-on to the training program.

Supervision costs 32000 DKK.

Supervisors are Niklas Törneke, Robyn Walser, Kelly Wilson, Kirk Strosahl, Patricia Robinson, Louise Hayes, Russ Harris and Rikke Kjelgaard.

Supervision groups #1 and #2 are a hybrid of online supervision and physical participation at the location in Copenhagen.

Supervision groups #3 and #4 are conducted entirely online.

When the supervision groups are sold out, you can register for the waitlist here >>


Dates for supervision group #1 >>

Dates for supervision group #2 >>

Dates for supervision group #3 >>

Dates for supervision group #4 >>

Payment is done in DKK through bank transfer to Rikke Kjelgaard Consulting in Denmark.

Upon registration you can choose between the following options:

  1. payment of the whole amount here and now
  2. payment in 2 rates – 50% now and 50% in a year
  3. payment in 3 rates – first payment now and the following payments every 6 months
  4. payment in 12 rates – first payment now and then every other month
  5. payment in 24 rates – first payment now and then months payments


No added fee with partial payment.

All invoices are sent from Denmark. Added bank fees are paid by the participant.

Registration opens one year prior to the training.

There’s a limited amount of seats.

The registration is legally binding. 

We welcome all students who want to master Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to this program.

Due to the rules of Dansk Psykologforening (The Danish Psychology Association) only 25% of the seats are available for students who are not psychologists or doctors.

When you apply for this program you will know whether you’ve been approved within a week of your registration.

Due to the limited amount of seats it is always a good idea to sign up sooner rather than later 🙂

When the quota is full you can register for the waitlist here >>


Seats are sold and not reserved.


If you sign up when the registation opens you are very likely to get a seat.

Registration for the 2 year ACT training program is legally binding.

With cancellation prior to 12 weeks before this course starts there is an administrative fee of 5000 DKK.

Cancellation between 12 and 8 weeks prior to this course is invoiced 25% of the total amount.

Cancellation within 8 weeks of the course is invoiced 50% of the total amount.

Cancellation within 6 weeks of the course is invoiced 100% of the total amount.

These terms apply even if the participant was offered partial payment upon registration.

If we’re unable to meet in Copenhagen due to national regulations or travel restrictions for any trainers, the training will be delivered online.

You’re invited to read all or any of these suggested books.

Go to suggested readings >>

Contact Us

Still have questions?

I love connecting with you and answering your burning questions about the 2 year training program.