Unique, highly renowned 2 year training program in ACT with world class trainers: Kelly Wilson, Kirk Strosahl, Robyn Walser, Niklas Törneke, Patricia Robinson, Benjamin Schoendorff, Louise Hayes, Russ Harris & Rikke Kjelgaard
Do you need a place to hang with like-minded ACT enthusiasts and get expert advice on how to grow your skills and your life with ACT? Come join the ACT practitioners’s academy. Each month you’ll get tips, tricks, training and supervision by Rikke Kjelgaard. And you’ll get access to a private, compassionate community of fellow practitioners who will support you on your journey.
The 2 year ACT specialist training is an exemplary program with excellent workshop leaders and the kind of follow through that can make a permanent difference in your practice. Highly recommended.
Founder of ACT
Meeting Rikke – as an ACT trainer and a supervisor – was a life-chaniging experience. She empowered me to take many bold steps toward more fulfilling professional and private life. She is also an excellent role mode for me, I am forever inspired by her truly experiential approach in teaching ACT and FAP, her deep understanding of behavioral processes, her authenticity and her widely open heart.
ACT trainer and ACT therapist, trauma specialist, co-founder of opsychologii.pl website
Let me know what you need and I’ll get back to you with a solution.
Rikke Kjelgaard’s work is the best! She inspires, transforms and changes lives forever with her courageous leadership style. Rikke combines psychological flexibility models with empowerment and feminism to help individuals and organisations. Attend Rikke’s training and you’ll go away with a dose of fearlessness — and, who wouldn’t want that.
PhD, Clinical Psychologist, author
Wanna take your skills to next level and become a chief change maker for the people you serve? Then I’m your wingwoman. You have what it takes and I look forward to help you shine. Let’s do this!
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© Rikke Kjelgaard