
[sometimes] the best things in life are free

Here are my most popular goodies


5 spørgsmål du altid bør stille som behandler

Her får du en guide med 5 essentielle spørgsmål, som du altid bør stille i dine forandringssamtaler. 

Masterclass i Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Lyt med når Rikke Kjelgaard gennemgår de 6 kerneprocesser i ACT  i denne gratis masterclass.

5 ways to overcome therapist imposter syndrome

Do you know that feeling of not being good enough? Are you afraid that others will find out you’re a fraud? Then this mini e-course is for you.

Facebook group

Join the Facebook group for (com)passionate practitioners who want to grow their skills and their lives using ACT. In here you’ll get to connect with fellow enthusiasts, ask questions and share your wins, worries and wonders.

Cocktails & Courageous Conversations

Join Rikke and her extraordinary guests for cocktails and courageous conversations about life and all there is to it.

"All about ACT" vlog with Rikke

Mini online trainings in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the (com)passionate ACT practitioner. 

Interviews with Rikke

Check out some of the interviews with Rikke. In here she talks about ACT, courage, vulnerability and her journey into ACT.


In this blog you’ll read some of Rikke’s most popular writings about ACT. Tips & tricks for living better.